My work is auto biographical and spiritual, containing themes of dreams, fairy tales, the Scottish landscape and nature. I am particularly drawn to heroines in fairy tales and I aim to celebrate female empowerment through my art. Those brave warriors who face their fears, trust their intuition and turn the past into wisdom. I honour their courage and wisdom and bring them to life to inspire myself and others.

“Maybe Eve was never meant to be our warning.
Maybe she was meant to be our model.
Own your wanting.
Eat the apple.
Let it burn.”
Glennon Doyle – Untamed
My colourful paintings have a dream-like quality, conjuring narratives of mystical deities and magical lands which form deep spiritual connections. The enchanting elements of the moon and stars illuminate the narrative, creating a mystical, fantasy world suggestive of fairy tales and mysterious places.
I am a great believer in signs and symbolism and my works contain elements of this. My favourites being moons, butterflies, robins, flowers, dandelion clocks, silver birch and rowan trees to name a few. My paintings also explore themes of change, letting go, transformation and spiritual growth. I work with the energy of the moon phases to embrace all my own phases. She reminds us that after an ending comes a new beginning.
How are you a heroine in your life?

#fairytales #fairytaleart #fairytaleprints #spiritualart #heroines #angels #femaleempowerment #divinefeminine #dreamwithme #moonphases #moonenergy #goddessreawakening #mymoongarden

Winter Bird




Fools Gold


The Trinity




Blue Sunday




25 o’clock






The Picnic

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