A Dream Plan for Dottie

Lindsay taught one of my children at Kilbarchan primary. One year we had a stall next to each other at Lilias Day in Kilbarchan and I mentioned that I’d love to illustrate a children’s book. A few months later Lindsay sent me over a story she’d written especially for me inspired by my paintings.

‘Dottie, a feisty Scottish princess, is having bad dreams. Luckily, Kitty, the scullery maid, has the solution…Dottie needs a dream plan. A Dream Plan for Dottie aims to empower your child to manifest peaceful, happy dreams for a better night’s sleep.’

Beautiful picture book written by renowned published author, Lindsay Littleson and illustrated by me. A beautiful story to inspire children to create their own dreams and a uniquely Scottish gem for children to treasure for years to come. All the characters are modelled by members of my family.
Free accompanying, digital activity book available for download. Illustrations available for purchase. See individual listings.

Do you know a child who’d like to manifest their happiest dreams?

#adreamplanfordottie #scottishauthor #scottishillustration #picturebook #scottishpicturebook #manifestingforchildren #dreamwithme #mymoongarden





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